Tuition fee ₪12,000 per year
Application fee ₪460 one-time
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The Department of Jazz Performance at JAMD operates within the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Music, and is connected academically and artistically with the Department of Creative works, the Interdisciplinary Vocal Department, the Department of Oriental Music, and the Faculty of Dance.

The program of study entails acquisition of a combination of skills in playing the different styles of jazz.

Areas of study focus on improvisation, training the ear, harmonics, history of jazz, listening skills, dialects in the language of jazz of different times, and rhythm.

In addition to performance skills, we also offer courses in composition and arrangement for various types of music, such as rhythm instruments, small wind ensembles, Big Band and vocals.

Studies consist of individual instruction on instruments, taught by the best jazz musicians in Israel, playing in ensembles, and classroom lessons.

We host workshops led by artists from Israel and from abroad, hold jazz competitions and weekly jam sessions, and take part in jazz festivals. Each student completes an exam at the end of the year and gives a recital upon completion of studies.

Aside from specialized studies, students are encouraged to expand their general knowledge of classical music and broaden their horizons. Students are exposed to a wide range of musical styles, making them multifaceted, modern and challenging musicians.

In accordance with our world view, the program stresses not only refined competence in playing and improvisation, but also seeking one’s own voice as an Israeli performer and composer of jazz and of music in general.

During the course of study, students may take part in an exchange program, spending a semester in one of the prestigious jazz institutes in the world with whom JAMD maintains an ongoing connection.

B.Mus (Bachelor’s Degree) is awarded upon completion of the course of study.

Programme structure

160 credits

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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